Suite 309, 1st Floor, Annex 1, Kisozi Complex, Kyagwe Rd, Nakasero Kampala

+256 781 368 931

Salary Loans


Our loans enable one to borrow funds towards personal development needs, with the source of repayment being the salary. Salary Loans are offered to salary earners and are categorized into two:


Civil servant loans: 

These are unsecured loans offered to civil servants, who are on pay roll and have completed probation period. They must have the following requirements:

  • Appointment letter
  • Confirmed
  • Pay roll number

Salary loan for employees with Private Organisations: 


These are secured loans for employees who work with private organization and earn on a monthly basis and must have the following requirements:

  • Appointment letter covering the loan period
  • Bank statement
  • Collateral/Security